U Went Away?
#U  #live 

u or not

I can not do that. U fill my heart like poems which make me so sad. U live in the corner of my soul rapidly by surprise due to my fragile will.

That day when U told me all matters had ended, that was black. I would always think of some scenes, some would be fun, memorable and jerking. Maybe I had got rid of it and had got freedom.

Maybe U are a little language that compiles into my understood language. Underneath that awkward dating, U have always had a gorgeous will. But I am an attempt to expose the bad parts of U in a foolish way. Once misconceived, anything is over just like the TV series, which are still in it.

A new life goes on and accompanies a sad, tears and hope. I’m going to embrace it!Bless u! It will be toward a better tommorrow!

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